Information for Families
This resource page provides everything you need to know about your children attending children’s church at Christian Faith Center. If you have any questions, contact the Children’s Ministry Director, Lisa McCarthy at Lisa@ChristianFaith.Center
Children’s Church Service
We offer children’s church each Sunday during the 11 am service. Review the information on this page in preparation for your child to attend children’s church.
You must register your children for Children’s Church before they are able to attend. Registration is completed online at Registration is important because it helps us keep appropriate health and safety limits in the classroom and it helps us keep track of everyone!
Everyone entering the church must wear a mask or face covering that covers the nose and mouth. Check-in begins at 10:45 am and ends at 11:05 am. The process is listed below:
- Enter through the Berkeley Street entrance.
- Parent/Guardian and children must utilize the hand sanitizer provided to clean your hands.
- Children will have their temperature checked via a touchless thermometer.
- Parents/Guardians will sign their names on the sign-in sheet next to their child’s name.
- The children will proceed to the classroom.
After service ends, one Parent/Guardian should proceed downstairs to the children’s church classroom.
- Parent/Guardian must wait in the hallway near the classrooms.
- Parent/Guardian gives the name of their child to the teacher and initial the sign-in/out sheet.
- Children are dismissed with their Parent/Guardian.
Please be advised…
- Kids will NOT be permitted to bring cell phones to class. If your child has a cell phone, they must keep it stored away during class. If they do not keep it stored away, it will be placed in a baggie and returned at the end of class.
- Children will NOT be permitted to eat snacks and drink in the classroom.
- Students requiring a beverage will be escorted to a water dispenser where they can obtain water and finish it at the dispenser and then return to the classroom.
- Teachers CANNOT assist children with using the restroom, if your child needs assistance using the restroom, a volunteer will bring your child to you for assistance.
- If we become aware of any cases of COVID-19, we will contact the families and volunteers at CFC to make them aware of a COVID-19 case while maintaining confidentiality.
- We will advise sick individuals (and/or parents of sick kids) not to return to church until they have met the CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation.
- If any changes occur in the children’s church schedule (including closure) due to COVID-19, we will notify families and volunteers as soon as possible.